英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 17:24:42

feel like

英 [fi:l laik]

美 [fil laɪk]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. have an inclination for something or some activity

e.g. I feel like staying in bed all day
I feel like a cold beer now

1. feel like的解释

1. 感到想要做:feel envy at 对...感到妒忌(或羡慕) | feel like 感到想要做 | feel one's way 摸索着走(干),试探

2. feel like的近义词

2. 想要:engage in 从事于,参加 | feel like 想要 | go on (时间)过去;灯亮;开始运行;继续,接着;进行,发生


3. 很想要:feel free 随便...... | feel like 很想要 | feel up to 能胜任

I feel like I'm way too young to retire.(我觉得自己离退休还远着。)
It's perfectly normal to feel like this.(有这样的感觉是完全正常的。)
I feel like a drink.(我想喝一盅。)
He did not feel like intimacy with any woman.(他不想和任何女人发生性关系。)
It might be, I suppose, but it doesn't feel like it.(我想可能是吧,但感觉不太像。)
I feel like staying in tonight.(今晚我想待在家里。)
I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I made the effort.(我当时并不很想出去,不过我很庆幸还是出去了。)
Do you feel like eating out tonight?(你今晚想下馆子吗?)
I'd feel like, "Wow, that's great!"(那我会觉得,“哇,太棒了!”)
They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.(他们只被训练与其他的男性竞争,所以一个成功的女性会让他们觉得自己确实是失败者。)
feel like是什么意思 feel like在线翻译 feel like什么意思 feel like的意思 feel like的翻译 feel like的解释 feel like的发音 feel like的同义词